The three Crypto Finance legal entities “Crypto Finance AG”, “Crypto Finance (Brokerage) AG” and “Crypto Finance (Infrastructure Services) AG” will be merged into one legal entity operating under the name “Crypto Finance AG”.

Following the legal principle of universal succession under Swiss law, all current contractual relationships of “Crypto Finance (Infrastructure Services) AG” will be transferred to the new “Crypto Finance AG” entity.

The following changes will thereby apply:

  • Change of name from “Crypto Finance (Infrastructure Services) AG” to “Crypto Finance AG
  • Change of name from “Crypto Finance (Brokerage) AG” to “Crypto Finance AG

Crypto Finance (Asset Management) AG will not be part of this merger but will continue to exist as a separate company and subsidiary of the unified company.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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